Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mama Cream Is It Normal To Take Your Mother Out For Ice Cream?

Is it normal to take your mother out for ice cream? - mama cream

My mother is the desire for a sweet tooth, and she wants to go to Dairy Queen. Since they can not drive, I asked him to take. I asked myself whether I will be considered as children "mama" or even taken into consideration?


Michelle said...

Under his mother to get an ice cream, is a fine thing to do. ... Continue on and do it :-) It's good to get together with their parents.

I think you're the son of his mother are still dependent for everything, and could not bear to leave her, even long enough to school or work are. ... But that's not what happened.

Ya can me a mirror, too? Oreo Mint Blizzard please. Or a boy passing cone.

Howie Feltersnatch said...

It's your mother. She gave her life, if they get an ice cream, you want it. Take it for ice cream is just a service, why not a boy MoMA? Even if this is the case, who cares, she is his mother.

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