Monday, January 18, 2010

Boyfriend Is Obsessed With Me Is Your Husband/boyfriend Obsessed With Football?

Is your husband/boyfriend obsessed with football? - boyfriend is obsessed with me

Even with Fantasy Football. My friend is literally all his free time on the laptop to soccer players and statistics to see that at a football game on television.


mommy of 3 said...

I wish it was just football, is hell, by what the television so obsessed with stupid!

angel said...

Depends on how you define possessed. Is he completely ignored everything around her and has no life outside of his audience, then it probably is. Depending on your point of view of someone.

My wedding gift to an official shirt of the day we got married in it .... a kind and very little sugar in my way.

I have never watched football, began with the exception of the Super Bowl or the play-off, but after I met my husband on, I learn about conferences and to follow their teams and now I'm keeping mine. It seems fair to his team and, if not in the fantasy football that does not bother me. Yes, the social aspect which is fun ... Football matches, wearing team colors, etc. I've learned to accept the game and the football season, not throughout the year for me.

Student Doctor House said...

My husband is not fantasy football, but he sees almost every game goes on. I see a lot of football with him, but not in all games. I will see the college teams I like about him, and the teams of the NFL player, I like, but if I'm not interested in the team, I see something else. He does not care which team ... loves everyone.

Amy said...

If it is in the room, the TV in football. If another person in the room, they talk about football. We got into fights in the amount of football that consumed his life. I wait for the season to end so that my life revolves around him, who is involved.

Shar B said...

My husband did the right thing, but now I do not care because it's so good at all to me. It is a good provider, very kind and considerate to me and makes me laugh every day. Even if it does not go to bed with a football, I'm good with it. Ha!

SuzyQ said...

Some men are like that. Better than football with another woman. To spend time for shopping or with friends before the football season is over. Otherwise, it could be a dear and make him sandwiches and a cold beer ......

SuzyQ said...

Some men are like that. Better than football with another woman. To spend time for shopping or with friends before the football season is over. Otherwise, it could be a dear and make him sandwiches and a cold beer ......

nicole73 said...

My husband is obsessed, he noted that the game in a league that also fantasy football. In addition to the football teams! I knew what I was getting into. It drives me crazy sometimes!

Tia said...

YES! He loves football. Any sport really. There remain all night to watch cricket, rugby, football - whatever it is, he loves it!

♥The Mrs.♥ said...

Yes, I looked at his notes for him. But I knew what I was getting into. I see a rule to about 1 / 2 games with him.

☻☆REBEL DEVIL☆☺ said...

not obsessed with cars, and spends his time on the laptop to talk about other cars.

Leo said...


onegrlme said...

Yes, all sports and poker, too.

abc said...

Yes, we are, if you do not join'em beat!

Chrystal said...

I'm in the same club, my love!

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