Saturday, January 16, 2010

Commercial Real Estate Appraisal Firms Commercial Real Estate As A Career....advice Please!?

Commercial Real Estate as a career....advice please!? - commercial real estate appraisal firms

Are in Florida now.

After hours of reading, it seems that the more certifications, licenses that you have the best (instead of up)

Step 1 is to achieve the following characteristics:

- Florida Real Estate License
- Florida Real Estate Appraisal License
- Florida Real Estate Brokers license (not really) the number of his
- CCIM designation
- (Someone even mentioned a licensed Mortgage Broker)

And, of course, amidst all that I can read in this area.

Upon completion of these licenses is not only true for a company?

Should I try to find a job after I get my basic license, and over time, or it is better for each of them as soon as possible and run?

All the advice here? I really want that to happen, but is a little cloudy now, and very grateful for the help.


loanmast... said...

If you are in a real estate agent, then work your way through a broker, when you want to own your own agency, then this is the race, must go.

If you decide to go to the career of a loan, and is an expert on credit, you have to sell a license, the license, followed by a broker if you decide to open their own mortgage bank.

When you enter the commercial real estate by all means, then you should get that title, but otherwise, what would you do?

There are real estate companies, which a dual agency, where you can have a house to be sold and the loan officer and a mortgage.

Personally, I do not think recommend this type of agency that many things can happen and are not good if you can manage the whole operation.

But it is a choice, regardless of my opinion.

It is necessary to establish yourself as an expert in a particular profession, not to pick up licenses. They pay their bills.

What you need to see myny continuing education courses, it is necessary to have so many lessons to keep each license, so to ensure that you are new evidence that the training has properly

There are many names that would be easy to stay licensed real estate sales. You learn how to follow your progress in the career in which he decides to.

I see more people taking courses in what they do, the jobs they want. The reason is that they sit in class or match against a team with the formal requirements.

If you keep the license all the only thing that will be running classes in the training.

If you have an evaluation license, you can not carry out evaluation, they sold a house or a buyer for what would be a conflict of interest.

Once a person authorized agents may, under the supervision of a real estate agent to work, learn the tricks of the game and networking, to be known.

Now, after having in real estate or mortgage, the land was for a moment, then could consider the other side.

I hope this was of some use to you, good luck.


loanmast... said...

If you are in a real estate agent, then work your way through a broker, when you want to own your own agency, then this is the race, must go.

If you decide to go to the career of a loan, and is an expert on credit, you have to sell a license, the license, followed by a broker if you decide to open their own mortgage bank.

When you enter the commercial real estate by all means, then you should get that title, but otherwise, what would you do?

There are real estate companies, which a dual agency, where you can have a house to be sold and the loan officer and a mortgage.

Personally, I do not think recommend this type of agency that many things can happen and are not good if you can manage the whole operation.

But it is a choice, regardless of my opinion.

It is necessary to establish yourself as an expert in a particular profession, not to pick up licenses. They pay their bills.

What you need to see myny continuing education courses, it is necessary to have so many lessons to keep each license, so to ensure that you are new evidence that the training has properly

There are many names that would be easy to stay licensed real estate sales. You learn how to follow your progress in the career in which he decides to.

I see more people taking courses in what they do, the jobs they want. The reason is that they sit in class or match against a team with the formal requirements.

If you keep the license all the only thing that will be running classes in the training.

If you have an evaluation license, you can not carry out evaluation, they sold a house or a buyer for what would be a conflict of interest.

Once a person authorized agents may, under the supervision of a real estate agent to work, learn the tricks of the game and networking, to be known.

Now, after having in real estate or mortgage, the land was for a moment, then could consider the other side.

I hope this was of some use to you, good luck.


yogi said...

It is generally followed by an authorization service providers by a licensed broker RE. You can a seller, but in a corridor work, at least for a period of one year before you get your license broker. They have in the state, the requirements before you find something else.

Bobo said...

Before going on this course, you could see on the labor market in this area? If you follow the news, both commercial and residential real estate markets are in serious trouble. Florida is particularly bad, I would like to have a little research first.

Real Estate pro said...

Commercial Real Estate still may be more difficult after the entry into residence.

I do not think you need an evaluation license and a broker's license does not really help if you are up their own businesses, for beginners who do not necessarily want to start.

A CCIM designation is difficult to say what you want in the real estate industry, but I do not think you can also use the specific training requirements has been achieved will receive until you have done and can not prove that he sold a few million dollars of commercial real estate Sale (non-SFR)

I would say that his license will only be a first step and seek a position in a property company, such as CB Richard Ellis, Grubb & Ellis, Colliers. Although you can rent a lot of a local commercial corridor, where it is unlikely someone who does not know personally.

Another way is to start work for developers to build the people, the shopping centers and strip, they would probably refuse to-business (cold calling) know what is a good thing leasing; CoMmercial property value is what you can hire basis / lease and work in the trenches for developers will be a unique experience to consumers.

They are used almost like any other job, but they can not resist the payments of commissions to the drop of a salary basis, which usually takes 6 months to one year of lead or participate in the initial sale.

I believe the basic math and knowledge of careers in commercial real estate is fairly easy, so it is difficult with all the signs that come with natural or legal persons working agreement that control much of the money, because Commercial Real Estate tended to grow much more expensive. And the agreements tend to more problems, unforeseeable and lawyers, only adds to the mix of ego in a trade have.

Believe it or not, children of wealth childish act, I'm kidding, there is a direct relation ship between fairness to customers and act as childish. They have money, they want their way, no matter how irrational it may sound, or its gona take your money and go home.

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